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Arad: From Vision to Delusion - Chapter 1

Curator: Hadas Kedar


Ana Camusso & David Wapner, Boris Kopilevich, Ohad Matalon, Merav Maroody, Ibrahim Nawaja, Lihi Yalin & Raz Rozkin, Shimon Pinto, Hadas Reshef, Sara Schada, Tamar Roded Shabtay, Eyal Segal, Rachel Yanai, Ruth Dorrit Yacoby, Itay Ziv.

Arad Contemporary Art Center


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The exhibition 'Arad: From Vision to Delusion- Chapter 1" is comprised of artworks by artists currently living or that have lived in the past in Arad and its vicinity. The Eastern Negev desert has a vibrant creative community from a wide spectrum of backgrounds including: African Israelites; Bedouin; former kibbutz members; new immigrants from former USSR etc. The exhibition engages with local creative individuals through a dynamic program of events and meetings to examine the possibilities of reflection of the foundation of the city and how it influenced the area in their work. The three sections: Vision; Living Forms and Delusion - allowed for a plethora of voices to be heard. Furthermore, a monthly program of events displayed their work and its methodologies to the wide public. This included opening a temporary studio in the gallery space; a make-shift print-making workshop and a gallery talk.

Critique in Erev Rav by Graham Lawson (Engish)

Critique in Erev Rav by Gilad Padva (Hebrew)

Critique in Time Out Magazine (Hebrew)

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